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Artificial lake, pool, water reservoirs

Artificial lake, Pool, Water reservoirs
Artificial lakes are generally water areas built to beautify the environment, provide water supply and create a natural lake effect. It manages to create an aesthetic and natural landscape and creates an environment for aquatic fauna. Several projects applied in this area:

Overflow, natural and heated pools:
Overflow pools: These are pools that provide aesthetics and sound with the effect of overflowing water. These pools are usually built in garden and park areas as well as apartment yards.
Natural pools: Natural pools with a natural appearance create the effect of a lake and river image.
Heated Pools: Heated pools, usually equipped with a heating system during the colder months, are used in entertainment venues and residential complexes.

Sewage and drinking water tanks:
Sewage tanks: Sewage tanks are used to collect and disperse rainwater. These reservoirs are important for irrigation and field irrigation.
Potable water tanks: Potable water tanks are built to provide drinking water supply in residential buildings in cities and villages. These reservoirs are important for the proper management of water supply.

These construction projects help in effective water management to ensure water management and water supply.